Good condition
Missing phone
The Walker
The V-Tech Little Smart First Steps Plus is an activity walker for children ages six months to about three years. You can also fold up the legs and use this as a floor activity board if Junior isn't ready to walk yet. The legs lock into place and will not fold up while your little one is playing with it. The face plate detaches and can be taken in vehicles and on trips to keep Junior busy. This toy operates on two AA batteries. While the toy is in motion, it plays "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and lights flash.
The Buttons
This walker has 15 buttons as well as a dial to turn and a play phone. The buttons are intermixed and have three categories - letters, animals, and numbers. The letter buttons are "A", "B", "C" and teach the colors green, blue, and red. The number buttons are "1", "2", and "3" and reinforce colors and shapes (triangle, circle, square).
- Posted using Ninie's iPhone