Thursday, January 8, 2009

Brand New Quinny Zapp - Pre Order !

*****BLACK *****
****MINT ****
****COBALT ****



MARKET PRICE : rm1199.00
MMA WEB PRICE : RM899.00 -- pre-order !

A stylish and highly manoeuvrable pushchair, the Zapp is designed for urban life and is perfect for the school run, and days out.


* Incredibly sleek and attractive design the zapp is sure to be a head-turner

* Ideal for travelling with any kind of transportation (bike, car, train, plane)

* The Quinny Zapp is the smallest buggy ever made measuring 69 x 27 x 30 cm when folded, it can even fit in the leg room of a car seat.

* Highly manoeuvrable front swivel wheel with suspension on all wheels

* Suitable from 6 months

* Weighs only 6kg

* Approved confirming EN 1888, BS7409 and NF S 54-001

* Including sun canopy, rain cover, travel bag and adapters for use of Maxi-Cosi Cabrio / CabrioFix car seat


  1. hi.....
    just nk tye je...
    kalu nk pre order zapp ni, bape lama br dpt?
    byr ansur2 blh x? heheheheheheh...

  2. hi..
    Byr mlm nie..insyaAllah besok dah dapat ..

    Ansur2 mmg tak boleh ler.. hihi

  3. hi nini..nak ty ada color red tak?pastu delivery cemane eh?cod?tq :)

  4. Fara -

    kaler tu je ada buat masa ni.. Stok sampai lain2 ..

  5. Lupa lakk.. Delivery (Better Self collect je) ..Kalau post, kena add pulak RM15-20

  6. klu nak pick up the thing kat mana ek

  7. kak ninie,
    kalau maxi cozi kene pre-order and rasa dapat ble?nak collect katne ye if self collect?
    leh COD tak?
    if zapp lak camner-mmg akak dah ader stok ke?
