Friday, October 30, 2009

Leappad books with catridge

Leappad books and catridge..

Choose and collect all books for your kids NOW !

Price : RM25.00 each including catridge n inclusive postage

Many stocks for each books :

booked by syrh :
1- Leappad books scooby doo
2- Shrek

Booked by Qs
1- pooh lots of lots of honey pots
2- pre math
3- Interactive library
4- nemo
5- Leappad Learning tad

sold : Kak SL
1- Learning tad
2- pre math
3- Leappad library

Sold to EN
1- Tad learning
2- Scooby doo


  1. Sy nak rsv reading, writing & maths, if still available.Pls confm availability (0135193658). Tq!

  2. Reading writing and maths for " leappad plus writing..ada console tu tak ?

    kalau nak yg pre-maths for leappad Pooh Lots and Lots of Honey pots

    atau Leappad library (4-8y)
    Teaches reading, geography, phonics, maths, music and foreign languages.

