It’s a driving game, there’s a steering wheel attached to a round swingy platform so you can move it, there are 2 indicator lights which convincingly click when you turn the wheel and flash, and there’ s a horn, a lovely orange disc which beeps, loudly, very loudly,and is large enough that the littlest ones can press it. The "little roadster" also has an ignition switch, off/on/start. When you turn the switch to start the engine sounds begin. If you turn the ignition key back to "on" after starting the thing, rather than start, it stops the constant sound for a more gentle hum.
So to the driving experience, there’ s a little moving road, and the aim of the game is to negotiate the road in your little plastic car, trying to avoid driving into the duck pond, crashing into the lady waving the dog etc.
To vary the monotony, ELC have very kindly given your little angel 6 more buttons to press.
These are
1. A fire engine sound
2. An ambulance sound
3. A dog barking
4. A duck quacking
5. A police car siren
6. A cat sound
In its defence, all the kids seem to love it, it’s very good for making a game of spotting when the ducks/dog/police car is going to appear and then making the appropriate sound, so it does have some educational qualities.
Malaysia Retail Price : RM99.00
MMA Price : RM39.00
MMA Followers /Forumers : RM35.00 only -- SOLD
this set stil available or not?
yes still..
oh good, can i have this
tomorrow i will online my YM
we chat there . TQ
sorry dear, sombody booked already... will resell the driving toy if I still not received any payment.tq
ok, let me know if u still not yet received the buyer's payment.
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