Monday, June 21, 2010

Glimpse of Arrived Items ... still a mess ;-)


  1. This is your kids play room OR your store room? So BiG! Envy! Envy! If my kids seen this sure will stick there won't go anywhere...

  2. aha..paggie...this is showroom house... you can come if you stay nearby..hehe

    YOur items, please wait arrr.. will sort out first..will let u know the price and the balance. eheh

  3. WoW! COOL... Okie-dokie. Right here waiting your confirmation. The Showroom House is amazed! I like it!

  4. salam.. nak tanya where is exactly ur showhouse.. really intersted in those toys.. TQ

  5. Salam,Ur blog tetap yg terbest.... Jgn jadi mcm blogger utara seorg tu...dok mulut tak reti nak jaga..... masa akak sebut jer nama blog hang dan ada 2 3 yg lain, depa kata hang tak baguihlah, sombonglah..... juai mahal lah... .... tuptup la ni dapat tau depa mg suka jthkan org demi keptgan dia. Bila depan bkn manis lg sat lg kutuk org ja kerja dia. Hope Ninie tak mcm tu....... k.

  6. Insya Allah Ibu Raudah, kita doakan sesama kita berjaya ...Ameen ...

    Masing2 cari rezeki... insya Allah takkan jadi macam tu lar .

    Tks atas nasihat ibu raudah ..Tks for your support..

  7. Fashee..sorry i terlepas pandang komen2 sini..

    SHowroom kat Tmn Tun Dr Ismail..
    call me first.. i takut ada customer terus datang without appointment...
