Friday, June 25, 2010

Post Reference

Pos Ref :

1- Nur Azura - EN 285193636 MY
2- Tasha - CD 144873883 MY
3- Norhasikin - CD 144873910 MY
4- Anis Sofia - CD123061306 MY
5- Khairana - CD144873755 MY
6- Suraya - CD 144873835 MY
7- Zita - cD 164234496 MY
8- Yan Bee - CD 144873818 MY

Collections :
1- K elly
2- Yuzie
3- Ira
4- Iz
5- Min
7- Mast
8- Ai -
9- Whanz
10- Masd
11- R
12- Ysf
13- Sara
14- Nick
15- Azrul
17 - Intan - 5pm/ carseat - 27 June
18- K ita

Saturday Appointment - :
1- Lisa -
2- Adelne
3- JC - postpone
4- Izan wv - postpone

Sunday -
1- Aizan -crseat

Dear All..

Please be informed that there are still many parcels still queing to be delivered to customers. Will try to make it as soon as possible... Please be patience.

Tks for all of your support and understanding.



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